4 thoughts on “TER #039 – Student Loans in the USA – 11 Jan 2015

  1. What an informative interview. And how ironic that it was an Australian podcast illuminating this a growing crisis in the US education system. Great interviews by Donnelle Batty. Kudos to her sensitivity and honest treatment dealing with the culturally taboo topic of “money”. I appreciated college loans have become a huge issue, but didn’t appreciate to what extent higher education is creating generations of indentured servants. Makes one really consider the value of education and whether, at this point, we aren’t just buying into a myth. Made me mad. This should be required listening for EVERY US student considering a higher education.

    • Thanks, Marianne. Donelle did a great job sourcing and recording these interviews. We all now just hold our breath in the how that a similar situation doesn’t arise here!

  2. Pingback: Student Loans: Why We Need to Teach Financial Literacy in Schools | About Teaching

  3. Pingback: TER Podcast is moving! | Teachers' Education Review

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